On the humanity of LLMs
Aligning LLMs and Artificial Intelligence as a whole with the goals and wishes of humans is no easy task. It’s an arduous, gargantuan endeavor. But there’s no denying that leading AI companies have already done an impressive job making LLMs sound and feel human. Sounding like a human, however, doesn’t necessarily grant you humanity. And […] Read More
Strawberry Errors Forever
There’s a Strawberry Test (if I can call it that) that’s become a bit of a running joke in generative AI. It involves asking an LLM something like: “How many times does the letter r show up in strawberry?” Most LLMs will usually answer, confidently, that “r” shows up two times in strawberry. Which is […] Read More
LLMs do not understand English
This subject is worthy of an entire book* because language is a complex concept and we don’t quite know how or exactly when it evolved. But for now I’ll just quickly draft a blog post about it. I’ve been playing around with ways to fool LLMs into writing stuff they’d normally refuse to engage with. […] Read More
The goat that keeps eating LLMs’ logic
LLMs are good at many things but often fail hilariously when you lure them out of their pre-trained comfort zone. Take the Wolf, Goat, and Cabbage riddle — a variation of the classic River Crossing Puzzle — for example. All the latest and greatest LLMs currently fail to reason through this brain teaser if you […] Read More